Etiqueta: Handbook

Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests – Suzanne C. Smeltzer

Libros de Medicina – Rincón Médico Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests The nurse’s prompt and accurate collection of specimens is vital to the correct diagnosis, treatment, and recovery of the patient. Often, the nurse alone is responsible for specimen collections; at other times, the nurse’s responsibility focuses on scheduling the patient’s tests, assisting the practitioner in performing them, and caring for the patient afterward. Your clinical setting and your facility’s policies, along with your state’s nurse practice act, will determine your responsibilities. This newest addition to the Smeltzer Brunner and Suddarth’s suite is a concise, portable, full­color handbook of

Handbook of Burns Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Volume 2

Descripción Handbook of Burns Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Volume 2 Over the past decades, extraordinary advances have been made in the understanding of cellular and molecular processes involved in acute wound healing. his knowledge has led to wound care innovations and new developments concerning burn care; burn care has improved to the extent that persons with burns can frequently survive. he trend in current treatment extends beyond the preservation of life; the ultimate goal is the return of burn victims, as full participants, back into their families and communities. he possibility of surviving burn injuries has changed dramatically over the past

Davis’s Comprehensive Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests with Nursing Implications 6th Edition

Descargar Libros Gratis Davis’s Comprehensive Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests with Nursing Implications 6th Edition The information nurses need…when, where, and how they need it! Nursing­focused and easy­to­read, this handbook delivers all of the information you need to understand how tests work, interpret their results, and provide quality patient care—pre­test, intra­test, and post­test. Tests and procedures are listed in alphabetical order by their complete name for quick reference. The integrated index allows fast searches by abbreviation, synonym, disease/disorder, specimen type, or test classification. Plus, a Body Systems Appendix includes a list of common laboratory and diagnostic tests for each

A Color Handbook Pediatric Neurology

Descargar Libros Gratis A Color Handbook Pediatric Neurology Recognizing patterns of disease can be the first step to successful management of the child with a neurological problem; this is emphasized by the authors throughout the book. Their concise, precise account reflects the remarkable recent advances in pediatric neurology and related disciplines, while stressing the fundamentals of clinical examination and history taking in reaching an accurate diagnosis.

Handbook of Psycholinguistics – Matthew Traxler, Morton Ann Gernsbacher

Descargar Libros Gratis Handbook of Phycholinguistics With Psycholinguistics in its fifth decade of existence, the second edition of the Handbook of Psycholinguistics represents a comprehensive survey of psycholinguistic theory, research and methodology, with special emphasis on the very best empirical research conducted in the past decade. Thirty leading experts have been brought together to present the reader with both broad and detailed current issues in Language Production, Comprehension and Development. Contents: Section 1: Language Production 2. Properties of Spoken Language Production 3. Syntax and Production

The Harriet Lane Handbook 19th Edition – Johns Hopkins Hospital, Kristin Arcara, Megan Tschudy

Descargar Libros Gratis The Harriet Lane Handbook 19th Edition Trusted by generations of residents and practitioners, The Harriet Lane Handbook from The Johns Hopkins University remains your first choice for fast, accurate information on pediatric diagnosis and treatment. Now even more convenient to carry, it’s your go-to resource for a wealth of practical information, including the latest treatment and management recommendations, immunization schedules, procedures, and therapeutic guidelines, as well as a unique, comprehensive drug formulary. New information on dermatology treatments, eczema complications, lead poisoning, and signs of child abuse keeps you completely up to date. You’ll also have easy access

Handbook of Pathophysiology – Ramona Browder Lazenby

Descargar Libros Gratis Handbook of Pathophysiology 4th 2011 This pathophysiology handbook is ideally suited for easy reference in the classroom or clinical environment. The book presents a summary of physiology concepts for each body system, followed by an overview of important pathophysiology concepts related to ‘alterations’ in that body system. These pathophysiology concepts provide the necessary foundation for understanding the disease or injury states that are presented next in the chapter. Contents: UNIT ONE Fundamental Mechanisms of Health and Disease

Handbook of Obesity Etiology and Pathophysiology – George A. Bray, Claude Bouchard

Datos del Libro Handbook of Obesity Etiology and Pathophysiology Offering perspectives on the history, prevalence and genetics of obesity, this book examines the origins and etiology of obesity. It considers the relationship between behavioural neuroscience and obesity. Table of Contents History, Definitions, and Prevalence – Historical Framework for the Development of Ideas About Obesity George A. Bray, Evaluation of Total and Regional Adiposity, Steven B. Heymsfield, Richard N. Baumgartner, David B. Allison, ZiMian Wang, and Robert Ross, Ethnic and Geographic Influences on Body Composition Paul Deurenberg and Mabel

Handbook of Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid­Base Imbalances – Joyce LeFever Kee, Betty J. Paulanka, Carolee Polek

Datos del Libro Handbook of Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid­Base Imbalances With a clear, comprehensive approach, this quick-reference handbook on the basic principles of fluid, electrolyte and acid-base balances, imbalances and related disorders is a must-have for all nursing students. Features: • The chapter on increased intra-cranial pressure has been completely rewritten with a stronger focus on neurotrauma and common conditions that cause increased intra-cranial pressure.

Handbook of Dialysis Therapy – Allen R. Nissenson, Richard N. Fine

Datos del Libro Handbook of Dialysis Therapy Here’s an in­depth, quick­reference, problem­solving resource for those involved in the care of dialysis patients. More than 120 worldclass authorities discuss dialysis techniques, mechanical considerations, and complications related to various diseases for both pediatric and adult patients. Selected annotated references and excellent cross­referencing between chapters help you find answers fast, and more than 100 photos, drawings, charts, and tables, mostly in color, clarify complex topics. Providing practical, immediately useful guidelines that can be applied directly to patient care, this book is a “must­have” for all dialysis caregivers.

Anatomia Biologia Cardiologia Cirugia Enfermeria Farmacología Fisiología Ginecología Odontologia Oncología Otros Pediatría Psicología
Anatomía Humana 4ª Edición – Latarjet, Ruiz Liard (Tomo 1 y 2)
PhysioEx 9.0: Simulaciones de laboratorio de fisiología
Farmacología Básica y Clínica 11va Edición – Katzung Bertram G.