Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests – Suzanne C. Smeltzer

Book Title: Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests
Book Author: Suzanne C. Smeltzer
Book Edition: 1th
Book Format: EBook
Date published: 2010
Illustrator: L.W.W.
ISBN: 9780781799072
Number Of Pages: 578
Libros de Medicina – Rincón Médico
Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests
The nurse’s prompt and accurate collection of specimens is vital to the correct diagnosis, treatment, and recovery of the patient. Often, the nurse alone is responsible for specimen collections; at other times, the nurse’s responsibility focuses on scheduling the patient’s tests, assisting the practitioner in performing them, and caring for the patient afterward. Your clinical setting and your facility’s policies, along with your state’s nurse practice act, will determine your responsibilities.
This newest addition to the Smeltzer Brunner and Suddarth’s suite is a concise, portable, fullcolor handbook of hundreds of test results and their implications. The twopart presentation includes a review of specimen collection procedures followed by an alphabetical list of tests. The entry on each test includes preparation, interfering factors, normal values, abnormal values, easytoidentify crisis values, reference values, nursing considerations, and nursing implications.
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