Etiqueta: Diagnostic

Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests – Suzanne C. Smeltzer

Libros de Medicina – Rincón Médico Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests The nurse’s prompt and accurate collection of specimens is vital to the correct diagnosis, treatment, and recovery of the patient. Often, the nurse alone is responsible for specimen collections; at other times, the nurse’s responsibility focuses on scheduling the patient’s tests, assisting the practitioner in performing them, and caring for the patient afterward. Your clinical setting and your facility’s policies, along with your state’s nurse practice act, will determine your responsibilities. This newest addition to the Smeltzer Brunner and Suddarth’s suite is a concise, portable, full­color handbook of

Davis’s Comprehensive Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests with Nursing Implications 6th Edition

Descargar Libros Gratis Davis’s Comprehensive Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests with Nursing Implications 6th Edition The information nurses need…when, where, and how they need it! Nursing­focused and easy­to­read, this handbook delivers all of the information you need to understand how tests work, interpret their results, and provide quality patient care—pre­test, intra­test, and post­test. Tests and procedures are listed in alphabetical order by their complete name for quick reference. The integrated index allows fast searches by abbreviation, synonym, disease/disorder, specimen type, or test classification. Plus, a Body Systems Appendix includes a list of common laboratory and diagnostic tests for each

Diagnostic Imaging Gynecology – Hedvig Hricak

Descargar Libros Gratis Diagnostic Imaging Gynecology Hricak Authored by some of the world’s preeminent authorities in its field, this new book represents today’s best single source of guidance on gynecological imaging! It presents more details for each diagnosis . more representative images . more case data . and more current references than any other reference tool. At the same time, its user­friendly format lets you access all of this information remarkably quickly. Dr. Hedvig Hricak has assembled an extraordinary group of world recognized experts in gynecologic imaging. They have collated their combined experience to create the most comprehensive review of

Diagnostic Ultrasound Rumack – Carol Rumack, Stephanie Wilson, J. William Charboneau, Jo­Ann Johnson

Descargar Libros Gratis Diagnostic Ultrasound Rumack 2­Volume Set This book is widely considered the definitive comprehensive reference work on adult and pediatric ultrasonography. Its user­friendly, wellorganized approach, exceptional color Doppler images, and color boxes highlighting critical diagnostic features have made it a best seller. Particularly popular are its unique image collages, which effectively capture the wide spectrum of ultrasound findings associated with each disorder. The new, 3rd Edition features 5 brand­new chapters, 50% new images, a wealth of information on new contrast agents and new technologies, and many other “must­have” updates. * Provides unique image collages in which 6 –

Diagnostic Imaging Breast – Wendie A. Berg, Robyn L. Birdwell, Eva Gombos y otros

Descargar Libros Gratis Diagnostic Imaging Breast Authored by some of the world’s preeminent authorities in its field, this new book represents today’s best single source of guidance on breast imaging! It presents more details for each diagnosis · more representative images · more case data · and more current references than any other reference tool. At the same time, its user­friendly format lets readers access all of this information remarkably quickly! * Covers the top imaging diagnoses in breast, including both common and uncommon entities. * Provides exquisitely reproduced imaging examples for every diagnosis­plus concise, bulleted summaries of terminology ·

Diagnostic Imaging Obstetrics – Paula J. Woodward, Anne Kennedy, Roya Sohaey, Janice Byrne, Karen Oh, Michael Puchalski

Descargar Libros Gratis Diagnostic Imaging Obstetrics Authored by some of the world’s preeminent authorities in its field, this new book represents today’s best single source of guidance on obstetrical imaging! It presents more details for each diagnosis · more representative images · more case data · and more current references than any other reference tool. At the same time, its user­friendly format lets readers access all of this information remarkably quickly! * Covers the top imaging diagnoses in obstetrics, including both common and uncommon entities. * Provides exquisitely reproduced imaging examples for every diagnosis­plus concise, bulleted summaries of terminology ·

Diagnostic Lymph Node Pathology

Datos del Libro Diagnostic Lymph Node Pathology “Diagnostic Lymph Node Pathology” is a comprehensive and generously illustrated guide, making it the ideal practical reference book. The international team of highly regarded haematopathologists write in an authoritative and accessible style with an emphasis on morphological evaluation as well as immunohistochemistry. The book clearly and logically presents the criteria for differential diagnosis with illustrations of both classical and less well­known features of each disease process. This will prove to be an essential guide for all surgical pathologists and haematopathologists involved in interpreting lymph node biopsies and will be an invaluable learning text

Diarrhea Diagnostic and Therapeutic Advances

Datos del Libro Diarrhea Diagnostic and Therapeutic Advances 2011 This volume provides in a conveniently accessible package a comprehensive collection of accurate and timely information on the management of patients with diarrhea, both in pediatric age and in the adult. As medical knowledge has recently expanded in this area, this volume is full of new practical, clinically useful material for the busy clinician. Illustrations are emphasized to permit rapid acquisition of practical information that is not readily available in the major texts.

Diagnostic Pathology of Infectious Disease

Datos del Libro Diagnostic Pathology of Infectious Disease 1st Ed. 2010 Diagnostic Pathology of Infectious Disease presents a comprehensive, organ-based approach to the effective and accurate diagnosis of infectious diseases. Dr. Richard L. Kradin covers the latest information on H1N1, as well as the use of immunohistochemical stains, PCR, Immunoperoxidase, and other molecular techniques for a current representation of the field.

Anatomia Biologia Cardiologia Cirugia Enfermeria Farmacología Fisiología Ginecología Odontologia Oncología Otros Pediatría Psicología
Anatomía Humana 4ª Edición – Latarjet, Ruiz Liard (Tomo 1 y 2)
PhysioEx 9.0: Simulaciones de laboratorio de fisiología
Farmacología Básica y Clínica 11va Edición – Katzung Bertram G.