Categoría: Anestesia

Tratado de Anestesia Regional y Manejo del Dolor Agudo – Admir Hadzic

Descripción Tratado de Anestesia Regional y Manejo del Dolor Agudo La guía práctica más completa, a todo color, para el ejercicio de la anestesia regional y el manejo del dolor agudo presentamos una obra de referencia que cubre en su totalidad el ejercicio de la anestesia regional; proporciona a médicos y estudiantes tanto los principios fisiológicos como los más avanzados protocolos y las técnicas específicas para el manejo de pacientes. Líderes reconocidos en la especialidad han vertido información práctica, útil y fidedigna en este volumen ampliamente ilustrado, el cual incluye algoritmos para manejar una extensa gama de dilemas clínicos, así

Basics of Anesthesia 7th edition – Manuel C. Pardo, Ronald D. Miller

Libros de Medicina – Rincón Médico Basics of Anesthesia The specialty of anesthesiology has evolved dramatically since the first public demonstration of ether use in the 19th century. Originally, the emphasis was completely on providing surgical anesthesia. As surgical procedures became more diverse and complex, other associated skills were developed. For example, airway management, including endotracheal intubation, was required to provide controlled ventilation to patients who had respiratory depression and paralysis from neuromuscular blocking drugs. These practices required the development of a “recovery room,” which was later termed a postoperative or postanesthesia care unit (PACU) (Chapter 39). The skills that

Clinical Anesthesia 8th Edition – Paul G. Barash

Libros de Medicina – Rincón Médico Clinical Anesthesia 8th Edition Innovative use of audiovisual resources is the hallmark of the Clinical Anesthesia series. Integration of diverse educational materials into the fabric of each chapter serves to enrich the reader’s experience and has been a part of the series since the second edition of Clinical Anesthesia in 1995, in which the editors introduced the Lippincott Raven Interactive Library on CD-ROM. Using the textbook as the keystone publication, other relevant books were added to the library, which facilitated cross-referencing topics from Clinical Anesthesia. This CD was awarded the prestigious International Folio Infobase

Anaesthesia at a Glance – Julian Stone, William Fawcett

Descargar Libros Gratis Anaesthesia at a Glance Anaesthesia is often intimidating for students. Within the relatively short time allocated to this disciplines on most undergraduate curricula, there seems to be a bewildering array of unfamiliar drugs, equipment and practical procedures. Yet at the very heart of anaesthesia is the modern concept of perioperative medicine. The fundamentals of anaesthesia, such as assessment and management of the airway, respiration, circulation and analgesia, are applicable to all hospital staff involved in the care of the surgical patient. Both authors are practising clinical anaesthetists and also actively involved in undergraduate teaching.

Temas Selectos En Anestesia Para La Practica De La Medicina General Pdf de Varios

Libros de Medicina en PDF Temas Selectos En Anestesia Para La Practica De La Medicina General Pdf de Varios Esta obra tiene un valor inmenso dentro del contexto de entregarle a los estudiantes para su formación y a los profesionales de la salud para su estudio y consulta, los contenidos básicos de la anestesia. Nuestra especialidad maneja conocimientos y prácticas de gran utilidad para ellos, y el objetivo de ponerlo a su alcance se logra con este esfuerzo editorial.

Miller’s Anesthesia 2-Volume Set 8th Edition

Descargar Libros Gratis Miller’s Anesthesia 8th Edition From fundamental principles to advanced subspecialty procedures, Miller’s Anesthesia covers the full scope of contemporary anesthesia practice. This go-to medical reference book offers masterful guidance on the technical, scientific, and clinical challenges you face each day, in addition to providing the most up-to-date information available for effective board preparation. From fundamental principles to advanced subspecialty procedures, Miller’s Anesthesia covers the full scope of contemporary anesthesia practice.

Evidence Based Resource in Anesthesia and Analgesia

Datos del Libro Evidence Based Resource in Anesthesia and Analgesia This work discusses the methodology and available evidence from systematic reviews on the current best practice in anaesthesia and analgesia. The first edition is built upon in this thoroughly revised and updated text. Contributions are from acknowledged world authorities on systematic review in the specialty. The free access website continues to provide added detail on the literature.

Miller’s Anesthesia Seventh Edition

Datos del Libro Miller’s Anesthesia Seventh Edition From fundamental principles to advanced subspecialty procedures, Miller’s Anesthesia covers the full scope of contemporary anesthesia practice. It is the go-to reference for masterful guidance on the technical, scientific, and clinical challenges you face. Now, new chapters, new authors, meticulous updates, an increased international presence, and a new full-color design ensure that the 7th edition continues the tradition of excellence that you depend on.

Thoracic Anesthesia An Issue of Anesthesiology Clinics

Datos del Libro Thoracic Anesthesia: An Issue of Anesthesiology Clinics Providing safe perioperative management for thoracic surgical patients remains one of the most consistently challenging areas both technically and intellectually within the specialty of anesthesiology. The practice of thoracic anesthesia is continually evolving, and this issue of Anesthesiology Clinics provides the newest information from leading practitioners. They answer questions like: Whats next for anesthesia and lung volume reduction? Will post-thoractomy paravertebral analgesia replace epidural analgesia? Which

Manual de Riesgos y Complicaciones: Procedimientos Anestésicos y Quirúrgicos Bases Para un Consentimiento Informado – Dr. Italo Braghetto M.

Datos del Libro Descripcion del Libro “Manual de Riesgos y Complicaciones: Procedimientos Anestésicos y Quirúrgicos Bases Para un Consentimiento Informado – Dr. Italo Braghetto M.” Nos ha parecido de enorme importancia la edición de este manual cuyo objetivo es servir de guía y base para la información que los médicos deben entregar a sus pacientes respecto de los procedimientos diagnósticos y terapéuticos que existen en la practica médica, sus beneficios y eventuales riesgos, y sus complicaciones y alternativas de tratamiento, a fin de que éstos, con la información recibida, otorguen su consentimiento o rechacen la ejecución de las alternativas que

Anestesia y Analgesia Obstetricas 1ª Ed – J. Castaño Santa, J. Castillo Monsegur

Datos del Libro Descripcion del Libro Anestesia y analgesia obstétricas es una obra basada en los temas debatidos en el XIV Simposium de Anestesiología, celebrado en febrero de 2007 en el Hospital del Mar de Barcelona. Su objetivo es aportar información actualizada a los profesionales relacionados con la práctica de la obstetricia, especialmente, anestesiólogos, obstetras, epidemiólogos y comadronas. Así, el libro consta de 26 capítulos distribuidos en seis secciones. La sección I trata sobre la evolución histórica de la anestesia obstétrica, destacando el avance y la seguridad que significó la introducción de la anestesia epidural y de los aspectos socio-sanitarios,

Anatomia Biologia Cardiologia Cirugia Enfermeria Farmacología Fisiología Ginecología Odontologia Oncología Otros Pediatría Psicología
Anatomía Humana 4ª Edición – Latarjet, Ruiz Liard (Tomo 1 y 2)
PhysioEx 9.0: Simulaciones de laboratorio de fisiología
Farmacología Básica y Clínica 11va Edición – Katzung Bertram G.