Etiqueta: Immunology

Review of Microbiology and Immunology 4th Edition

Descargar Libros Gratis Review of Microbiology and Immunology 4th Edition The book focuses on providing good foundation in clinically important concepts and principles of microbiology.Enough (over 300) tables and flow charts have been included along with the text. Over 200 schematic diagrams have been drawn to simplify difficult concepts, and they are easy to reproduce where necessary as in examinations. Plenty of clinical photographs (over 400) included in the book will create a real life­like picture in the minds of the reader and also are meant to help solving image­based MCQs in postgraduate entrance examinations. CONTENTS: Section 1 General Microbiology

Roitts Essential Immunology 11th Edition – Peter Delves, Seamus Martin, Dennis Burton, Ivan Roitt

Descargar Libros Gratis Roitts Essential Immunology 11th Edition Roitt’s Essential Immunology has established itself as the book of choice for students of immunology worldwide. This excellent textbook is commonly regarded as ‘the best of the immunology primers’ and the eleventh edition remains at the cutting edge of this fascinating area of science. The trademark of this book is its highly readable introduction to the subject, its emphasis on core knowledge and its excellent four­color artwork. The internationally renowned authors have extensively updated all aspects of the book to produce a new edition, which will be an invaluable resource to students

Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, 10 th Edition

Datos del Libro Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, 10 th Edition An excellent resource for students as well as residents looking for a reference to aid them during their rotations….There are many microbiology review books aimed at students getting ready for national board exams. This book surpasses many of those in terms of basics and, especially, clinical relevance.

Anatomia Biologia Cardiologia Cirugia Enfermeria Farmacología Fisiología Ginecología Odontologia Oncología Otros Pediatría Psicología
Anatomía Humana 4ª Edición – Latarjet, Ruiz Liard (Tomo 1 y 2)
PhysioEx 9.0: Simulaciones de laboratorio de fisiología
Farmacología Básica y Clínica 11va Edición – Katzung Bertram G.