Categoría: USMLE

LANGE Q&A USMLE Paso 3 – Donald A. Briscoe

Descripción USMLE Paso 3 Este libro se diseñó para las personas que preparan el United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) paso 3. Proporciona una revisión amplia de más de 850 preguntas de opción múltiple “similares al examen” que revisan los aspectos de las ciencias clínicas. Se proporcionan explicaciones detalladas para cada pregunta que tienen como objeto explicar por qué la respuesta es correcta y, cuando sea apropiado, por qué las respuestas son incorrectas. Además, la última sección de este libro tiene exámenes de práctica integrados, que abarcan múltiples especialidades y que proporcionan un mecanismo para autoevaluación y para simular las

Step-Up to USMLE Step 2 CK 3rd Edition

Libros de Medicina en PDF Step-Up to USMLE Step 2 CK 3rd Edition Step-Up to USMLE Step 2 CK is your one-stop shop for high-yield, systems-based review during the clinical years of medical school. The 3rd edition underwent expanded and innovative content updates designed to keep students informed and prepared with regards to high stakes exams and clinical decision making. This edition packs illustrations, Next Steps, Mnemonics

Step-Up to Medicine 4th Edition

Libros de Medicina en PDF Step-Up to Medicine 4th Edition Now thoroughly updated and revised, this best-selling volume in the popular Step-Up series provides a high-yield review of medicine, ideal for preparing for clerkships or clinical rotations, shelf exams, and the USMLE Step 2. Clinical pearls, fullcolor illustrations, and “Quick Hits” provide essential information in an efficient, easy-to-remember manner, perfect for medical, physician assistant, and nurse practitioner students. Step-Up to Medicine, Fourth Edition delivers exactly what you need to know—both for exam preparation and for practical use in the evaluation and treatment of patients.

USMLE Step 3 Lecture Notes 2017-2018 Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Ethics

Libros de Medicina en PDF USMLE Step 3 Lecture Notes 2017-2018 Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Ethics The only official Kaplan Lecture Notes for USMLE Step 3 cover the comprehensive information you need to ace the exam. Up-to-date. Updated biannually by Kaplan s all-star faculty. This updated edition reflects the 2014 test change and includes more foundational medicine and systems-based practice/patient safety.

Rapid Review Physiology 2nd Edition

Libros de Medicina en PDF Rapid Review Physiology 2nd Edition Get the most from your study time, and experience a realistic USMLE simulation, with Rapid Review Physiology, 2nd Edition, by Dr. Thomas A. Brown. This new reference in the highly rated Rapid Review Series is formatted as a bulleted outline with clinical images, tables and figures that make it easy to review all the physiology information you need to know for the USMLE. And with Student Consult online access, you can become familiar with the look and feel of the actual exam by taking a timed or a practice online

Dejareview. Cirugía

Libros de Medicina en PDF Dejareview Cirugía Dejareview Cirugía fusiona el trabajo del curso a únicamente los conceptos básicos que se requieren saber para tener éxito en los exámenes. Esta guía incomparable posee una presentación de fácil lectura de preguntas y respuestas en dos columnas tipo “ficha bibliográfica”, específicamente diseñada para ayudar a recordar una gran cantidad de información pertinente, en la mínima cantidad de tiempo. El formato permite enfocar sólo la respuesta correcta para promover

1000 Questions and Answers from Kumar & Clarks Clinical Medicine 2nd Edition

Libros de Medicina en PDF 1000 Questions and Answers from Kumar & Clarks Clinical Medicine 2nd Edition Where do you turn to when you have a difficult medical question that needs answering? The ‘Ask the Author’ online feature from the best-selling textbook Kumar & Clark’s Clinical Medicine has collected a wealth of questions and comments directly from medical students and doctors about topics that are of particular interest or difficulty to them. Kumar and Clark have brought together over 1000 of the questions they have been asked along with their answers. It will appeal to the many fans of Kumar

2015 Step-by-Step Medical Coding

Libros de Medicina en PDF 2015 Step-by-Step Medical Coding Take your first step toward a successful career in medical coding with in-depth coverage from the most trusted name in coding education! From Carol J. Buck, Step-by-Step Medical Coding, 2015 Edition is a practical, easy-to-use resource that shows you exactly how to code using all current coding systems. Explanations of coding concepts are followed by practice exercises to reinforce your understanding. In addition to coverage of reimbursement, ICD-9-CM, CPT, HCPCS, and inpatient coding, this edition fully covers ICD-10-CM in preparation for the transition to ICD-10. No other text on the market

Rapid Medicine 2nd Edition

Libros de Medicina en PDF Rapid Medicine 2nd Edition This pocket reference and revision guide is a must for all medical students and junior doctors preparing for major exams in clinical medicine or needing a rapid reminder of essential facts during a clinical attachment. Now thoroughly updated, this new edition combines the first editions of Rapid Medicine and Rapid Differential Diagnosis and contains reference to over 200 common medical conditions and diseases and 350 signs and symptoms encountered on a daily basis on the wards, in clinics and in exams This concise, no-nonsense reference is presented in an A-Z format

Step-Up to USMLE Step 1 2015 Edition

Libros de Medicina en PDF Step-Up to USMLE Step 1 2015 Edition Thoroughly revised and updated for its 2015 Edition with the help of the physician educators of Doctors in, LLC, Step-Up to USMLE Step 1 delivers comprehensive, systems-based review for the USMLE Step 1 exam. The book has been widely acclaimed for its organization, which parallels the USMLE Step 1 content outline and helps students synthesize

Master the Boards USMLE Step 3 3rd Edition

Libros de Medicina en PDF Master the Boards USMLE Step 3 3rd Edition Targeted Step 3 in full color updated for the 2015 exam change Fully updated to the 2015 exam change, Master the Boards USMLE® Step 3 helps you identify highly tested concepts, sharpen recall, and recognize the most likely answer on the test. With exclusive test-day tips and targeted review from USMLE expert Conrad Fischer, MD, this full-color review book ensures there are no surprises on test day. FEATURES:

Bailey’s Head and Neck Surgery, Otolaryngology Review

Libros de Medicina en PDF Bailey’s Head and Neck Surgery, Otolaryngology Review Master the core topics found in the large Bailey’s Head and Neck Surgerywith a brand new, concise self-assessment book titled Bailey’s Head and Neck Surgery – Otolaryngology Review. This comprehensive, quick-review, resource parallels the chapters in the new edition of the big Bailey’s title. Featuring 1,100 multiple choice questions and a comprehensive online quiz bank for review on the go, this invaluable resource is ideal for both residents and for practitioners.

Crash Course Medical Ethics and Sociology 2nd Ed

Libros de Medicina en PDF Crash Course Medical Ethics and Sociology 2nd Edition The importance of ethics and sociology as applied cannot be underestimated, within both the medical curriculum and everyday modern clinical practice. Medical students and junior doctors cannot hope to experience every dilemma first hand, but are expected to deal with new and problematic clinical situations in a reasoned, professional and systematic way. This volume, which accounts for the revised core curriculum in Medical Ethics and Law, will prove an indispensable companion.

Crash Course Neurology 4th Ed

Libros de Medicina en PDF Crash Course Neurology 4th Edition CONTENTS: Part I: History, Examination and Common Investigations 1. Taking a history 2. The neurological examination 3. Further investigations Part II: The Patient Presents With 4. Disorders of higher cerebral function 5. Disturbances of consciousness 6. Headache

Crash Course Psychiatry 4th Edition

Libros de Medicina en PDF Crash Course Psychiatry 4th Edition CONTENTS: 1. Psychiatric assessment and diagnosis 2. Pharmacological therapy and electroconvulsive therapy 3. Psychological therapy 4. Mental health and the law 5. Mental health service provision 6. The patient with thoughts of suicide or self-harm 7. The patient with low mood 8. The patient with elevated or irritable mood

First Aid for the Emergency Medicine Clerkship

Libros de Medicina en PDF First Aid for the Emergency Medicine Clerkship First Aid for the Emergency Medicine Clerkship is a comprehensive high-yield review based on the clerkship’s core competencies. Written by students who just completed their clerkship and reviewed by faculty to ensure relevance and accuracy, the book covers everything students must know to do well in the ED and ace the emergency medicine shelf exam. New features include mini-cases integrated throughout to give a clinical “face” to disease discussions and 8 pages of full color images.

Review of Surgery for ABSITE and Boards

Libros de Medicina en PDF Review of Surgery for ABSITE and Boards For surgery residents studying for their yearly in-service exam, recent graduates preparing for Surgery written boards, or those recertifying, there’s no better review tool than Dr. Christian DeVirgilio’s Review of Surgery for ABSITE and Boards, 2nd Edition. Content has been tested for a number of years on Harbor-UCLA surgical residents and has proven to significantly improve exam scores. Now thoroughly up to date with new topics, new questions, and new contributors, it fully prepares you for success on surgery exams.

Pediatría Board Review 3ra Edición – Peter Emblad, Scott H. Plantz, Robert M. Levin, Huiquan Zhao

Libros de Medicina en PDF Pediatría Board Review ¡Felicidades! Pediatría Board Review le ayudará a aprender medicina. Diseñado originalmente como un auxiliar de aprendizaje para mejorar el desempeño en los exámenes escritos del Consejo de Pediatría o el examen de Pediatría en Servicio, este libro contiene abundante información útil. Conviene dedicar algunas palabras para explicar sus objetivos, su formato, sus limitaciones y su uso. Ya que su principal objetivo es ser un auxiliar de estudio, el contenido de Pediatría Board Review está organizado en un formato de preguntas y respuestas rápidas. De esta manera el lector obtiene un reforzamiento inmediato.

Anatomia Biologia Cardiologia Cirugia Enfermeria Farmacología Fisiología Ginecología Odontologia Oncología Otros Pediatría Psicología
Anatomía Humana 4ª Edición – Latarjet, Ruiz Liard (Tomo 1 y 2)
PhysioEx 9.0: Simulaciones de laboratorio de fisiología
Farmacología Básica y Clínica 11va Edición – Katzung Bertram G.