Atlas of Gynecologic Cytology – Grace T. McKee

Book Title: Atlas of Gynecologic Cytology
Book Author: Grace T. McKee
Book Edition: 1ª
Book Format: EBook
Date published: 2004
Illustrator: Informa Healthcare
ISBN: 978-1841844114
Number Of Pages: 128
Atlas of Gynecologic Cytology
This atlas is an invaluable aid for pathologists and trainees who have worked with conventional smear cytology but need to familiarize themselves with the appearance seen in liquid-based cytology, which has largely replaced conventional smears for cervical screening. It includes state of the art information on normal Pap smears, normal glandular constituents, smear patterns, and inflammation, reactive changes, and repair; it also covers pathological changes, such as typical and atypical squamous cell abnormalities, high-grade intraepithelial lesions, and glandular cell abnormalities. It will be a useful guide for practitioners who need a quick reference on cytological specimens.
This atlas is an invaluable aid for pathologists and trainees who have worked with conventional smear cytology but need to familiarize themselves with the appearance seen in liquid-based cytology, which has largely replaced conventional smears for cervical screening. It includes state of the art information on normal Pap smears, normal glandular constituents, smear patterns, and inflammation, reactive changes, and repair; it also covers pathological changes, such as typical and atypical squamous cell abnormalities, high-grade intraepithelial lesions, and glandular cell abnormalities. It will be a useful guide for practitioners who need a quick reference on cytological specimens.
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