Etiqueta: Systemic Diseases

Periodontal Manifestations of Local and Systemic Diseases

Descripción Periodontal Manifestations of Local and Systemic Diseases The periodontium is a part of the oral tissues of great interest to dentists and particularly to the periodontal team. The importance has now been recognized to extend beyond local disorders to a wide range of conditions that may affect periodontal health. The most recent classification proposed by the International Workshop for the Classification of Periodontal Diseases and Conditions in 1999 is testimony to an increasing scientific interest of the international dental community in periodontal pathology, and the wide range oflocal and systemic disease affecting the periodontium. This atlas aims to illustrate

Anatomia Biologia Cardiologia Cirugia Enfermeria Farmacología Fisiología Ginecología Odontologia Oncología Otros Pediatría Psicología
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Farmacología Básica y Clínica 11va Edición – Katzung Bertram G.