Etiqueta: Margaret M. Stark

Clinical Forensic Medicine – A Physician’s Guide

Datos del Libro Clinical Forensic Medicine – A Physician’s Guide This revised edition has been completely updated and expanded to address the latest developments and professional concerns in forensic medicine. There are new chapters on the medical aspects of police restraint and new material on the potential of police exposure to infection, the role of alcohol and drugs in vehicular accidents, and forensic sampling in sexual assault examinations.

Anatomia Biologia Cardiologia Cirugia Enfermeria Farmacología Fisiología Ginecología Odontologia Oncología Otros Pediatría Psicología
Anatomía Humana 4ª Edición – Latarjet, Ruiz Liard (Tomo 1 y 2)
PhysioEx 9.0: Simulaciones de laboratorio de fisiología
Farmacología Básica y Clínica 11va Edición – Katzung Bertram G.