Etiqueta: Neuropsychological Evaluation of Somatoform and Other Functional Somatic Conditions ebook

Neuropsychological Evaluation of Somatoform and Other Functional Somatic Conditions

Libros de Medicina en PDF Neuropsychological Evaluation of Somatoform and Other Functional Somatic Conditions I remember as a graduate psychology student, and then as a neuropsychology postdoctoral fellow, being puzzled by somatoform presentations, particularly those involving conversion disorder. I recall wondering as I witnessed a psychogenic non-epileptic seizure patient displaying a “seizure, ” “What is this person thinking? What is going through his mind?” I viewed myself as a logical person who behaved in what I thought were rational ways, and the idea that a person could create physical symptoms that were not “real” at a less than conscious level

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