Etiqueta: Heidi S. Chumley

The Color Atlas of Pediatrics – Richard P. Usatine

Descripción The Color Atlas of Pediatrics Pediatricians see a wide variety of genetic and congenital disorders, infections, skin conditions, and many other problems that span the pediatric spectrum. It is clear that a comprehensive atlas that aids in diagnosis using visible signs and internal imaging will be of tremendous value. We have assembled more than 1,900 outstanding clinical images for this very purpose and are proud to present the first edition of a modern comprehensive atlas of pediatrics. Some photographs will amaze you and all will inform you about the various conditions that befall our patients. It took a number

Anatomia Biologia Cardiologia Cirugia Enfermeria Farmacología Fisiología Ginecología Odontologia Oncología Otros Pediatría Psicología
Anatomía Humana 4ª Edición – Latarjet, Ruiz Liard (Tomo 1 y 2)
PhysioEx 9.0: Simulaciones de laboratorio de fisiología
Farmacología Básica y Clínica 11va Edición – Katzung Bertram G.