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Mollison’s Blood Transfusion in Clinical Medicine 12th edition

Book Title: Mollison’s Blood Transfusion in Clinical Medicine

Book Author: Harvey G. Klein, David J. Anstee

Book Edition: 12th

Book Format: EBook

Date published: 2014

Illustrator: Wiley Blackwell

ISBN: 9781405199407

Number Of Pages: 958

Libros de Medicina – Rincón Médico

Mollison’s Blood Transfusion in Clinical Medicine

The book arose from the concept of the transfusionist, as both scientist and expert consultant. For many years, this text has provided the primary, and often the sole, reference for detailed information and practical experience in blood transfusion. The book is completely revised and updated throughout to include the latest advances and developments in the field.


  • 1. Blood donors and the withdrawal of blood
  • 2. Transfusion of blood, blood components and plasma alternatives in oligaemia
  • 3. Immunology of red cells
  • 4. ABO, H, LE, P1PK, GLOB, I and FORS blood group systems
  • 5. The Rh blood group system (including LW and RHAG)
  • 6. Other red cell antigens
  • 7. Red cell antibodies against self-antigens, bound antigens and induced antigens
  • 8. Blood grouping techniques
  • 9. The transfusion of red cells
  • 10. Red cell incompatibility in vivo
  • 11. Haemolytic transfusion reactions
  • 12. Haemolytic disease of the fetus and the newborn
  • 13. Immunology of leucocytes, platelets and plasma components
  • 14. The transfusion of platelets, leucocytes, haematopoietic progenitor cells and plasma components
  • 15. Some unfavourable effects of transfusion
  • 16. Infectious agents transmitted by transfusion
  • 17. Exchange transfusion and haemapheresis
  • 18. Alternatives to allogeneic transfusion
  • 19. Plasma fractionation and fractionation products
  • Appendices
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