Categoría: Hematología

Wintrobe’s Clinical Hematology 14th Edition – John P. Greer

Libros de Medicina – Rincón Médico Wintrobe’s Clinical Hematology The modern era of hematology, according to Wintrobe, began less than a century ago when the pathogenesis of pernicous anemia was initially described. He outlined the historical perspective in the introduction to his textbook: When and in what manner blood was first examined is unknown, but before the days of microscopy only the gross appearance of the blood could be studied. Blood allowed to clot in a glass vessel can be seen to form several distinct layers: at the bottom a dark red, almost black, jellylike material is seen; above this

Farmacoeconomía aplicada en Hematología

Libros de Medicina – Rincón Médico Farmacoeconomía aplicada en Hematología En la confección del texto que se ofrece a continuación se ha buscado, sobre todo, la utilidad al lector. Dado que se destina fundamentalmente a clínicos, en concreto hematólogos, que normalmente es la primera vez que se enfrentan a un texto de farmacoeconomía, se ha buscado el equilibrio de una exposición rigurosa desde el punto de vista económico que a la vez resulte clara y útil para el clínico. Se ha tenido igualmente en cuenta, en la elaboración del texto, que el conocimiento inicial del lector de conceptos de evaluación

Manual del Médico Residente en Hematología y Hemoterapia

Descripción Manual del Médico Residente en Hematología y Hemoterapia El Manual del Médico Residente de Hematología y Hemoterapia que tenemos la satisfacción de presentaros responde a un proyecto largamente acariciado. La cantidad de Información disponible a través de libros, monografías, manuales, revistas, documentos de consenso etc., a la que se tiene acceso hoy en día, puede hacernos dudar de la utilidad de un nuevo manual de Hematología y Hemoterapia. Sin embargo, por esa misma razón y dada la continua renovación en todos los aspectos de la especialidad y su amplitud de contenidos, es necesario disponer de un manual que condense

TCAE en Hemodiálisis


Blood Science Principles and Pathology

Libros de Medicina en PDF Blood Science Principles and Pathology Blood Science is a relatively new discipline which merges biochemistry, haematology, immunology, transfusion science and genetics. This bringing together of traditional disciplines requires a corresponding change in education and training for healthcare scientists and Blood Science: Principles and Pathology is written in response to this emerging need. An introduction to the subject and an overview of the techniques used in blood science are followed by a series of chapters based

Crash Course Hematology and Immunology 4th Edition

Libros de Medicina en PDF Crash Course Hematology and Immunology 4th Edition This volume presents two of the fastest moving medical disciplines, immunology and haematology, where molecular discoveries rapidly translate into new diagnostic tests and treatments in everyday medicine. This book clearly relates the important underlying principles in these areas with the latest clinical applications.

A Beginner’s Guide to Blood Cells, 2nd Ed – Barbara J. Bain

Descargar Libros Gratis A Beginner’s Guide to Blood Cells, 2nd Ed This popular pocket book has been updated and expanded throughout, providing a concise view of diagnostic haematology, in a convenient and practical format. A Beginner’s Guide to Blood Cells is an introduction to normal and abnormal blood cells and blood counts for trainees, whether they be trainee laboratory scientists, medical students, trainee haematologists or trainee physicians. It may be seen as complementary to Blood Cells: a Practical Guide (3rd Edn., Blackwell Science, Oxford, 2003), from which the illustrations are drawn. Unlike Blood Cells, A Beginner’s Guide does not seek

Texto de Hematologia Clinica

Libros de Medicina en PDF Texto de Hematología Clínica Este texto, tiene como finalidad, proporcionar un conocimiento básico, de esta rama de la medicina, que les permita a los alumnos, residentes y médicos internistas, tener a la mano un texto sencillo que logre identificar síntomas y signos y orientar el diagnóstico en forma correcta y oportuno. Porque muchos pacientes hematológicos concurren en primera instancia a los médicos internistas, lo que permitirá tener una visión amplia de la clínica hematológica, aproximándolos a un diagnóstico inicial adecuado.

Clinical Hematology Theory and Procedures 5th Edition – Mary Louise Turgeon

Libros de Medicina en PDF Clinical Hematology Theory and Procedures 5th 2011 It is a pleasure to author the 5th edition of Clinical Hematology. Since the 1st edition was published in 1988, each edition has included exciting changes in clinical hematology and posed challenges to learn more and teach more in a fi xed time frame. The 5th edition retains the pedagogy that set the standard for clinical laboratory science textbooks since it was introduced in the 1st edition. Clinical Hematology now features integrated four-color images, tables, and boxes throughout the book for ease of learning. New online ancillaries include

Manual AMIR: Hematología 6ta Edición

Libros de Medicina en PDF Manual AMIR: Hematología Asignatura de importancia media-alta en la oposición. Son frecuentes las preguntas en forma de caso clínico y las de verdadero/falso. Es una asignatura sencilla si se tienen los conceptos claros. Fíjate que hay grandes grupos de enfermedades que tienen características comunes y, en general, cada patología tiene unos rasgos típicos que son fáciles de identificar (sobre todo de cara a las preguntas de casos clínicos).

Essential Guide to Blood Groups 3rd Edition

Descargar Libros Gratis Essential Guide to Blood Groups 3rd Edition A short, up­to­date text on blood groups, for people working or training in the field of blood transfusion, transplantation, or human genetics, but who are not specialising in the field of blood groups, the third edition of Essential Guide to Blood Groups is a pocket­sized book, containing full colour text together with schematic figures and tables. The book comprises an introduction to blood groups, followed by chapters on techniques, information on various blood groups, antibodies, quality assurance in immunohaematology, and it concludes with chapters on troubleshooting in the laboratory, and

Williams Hematology 9th Edition

Descargar Libros Gratis Williams Hematology 9th Edition The world’s most highly regarded reference text on the mechanisms and clinical management of blood diseases – completely updated to reflect the latest breakthroughs and advancements. Edition after edition, Williams Hematology has guided generations of clinicians, biomedical researchers, and trainees in many disciplines through the origins, pathophysiological mechanisms, and management of benign and malignant disorders of blood cells and coagulation proteins. It is acknowledged worldwide as the leading hematology resource, with editors who are internationally regarded for their research and clinical achievements and authors who are luminaries in their fields.

Rodaks Hematology 5th Edition

Descargar Libros Gratis Rodaks Hematology 5th Edition Featuring hundreds of full­color photomicrographs, Rodak’s Hematology: Clinical Principles and Applications, 5th Edition prepares you for a job in the clinical lab by exploring the essential aspects of hematology. It shows how to accurately identify cells, simplifies hemostasis and thrombosis concepts, and covers normal hematopoiesis through diseases of erythroid, myeloid, lymphoid, and megakaryocytic origins. This text also makes it easy to understand complementary testing areas such as flow cytometry, cytogenetics, and molecular diagnostics.

Postgraduate Haematology 5th Edition – A. Victor Hoffbrand, Daniel Catovsky, Edward G. D. Tuddenham

Descargar Libros Gratis Postgraduate Haematology Completely revised to reflect the latest research in the field, this edition continues to provide trainees with up–to–date knowledge on the pathogenesis, clinical and laboratory features, and management of blood disorders. It covers the significant advances which have occurred in the application of cytogenetics and molecular genetics in the diagnosis, classification and understanding of haematological disorders. «Most hematologists need a revised and practical textbook in which they can rapidly search on the morning of a consultation…This book will be an important resource in such situations.» New England Journal of Medicine A well established and respected

Pathology of Bone Marrow and Blood Cells – Diane C. Farhi

Descargar Libros Gratis Pathology of Bone Marrow and Blood Cells This book will assist pathologists, hematologists, and oncologists in interpreting peripheral blood and bone marrow specimens quickly, easily, and accurately. Featuring more than 400 full­color illustrations, the book is a very complete survey of bone marrow diseases, including rare entities, and provides up­to­date information on constitutional and acquired disorders in both adults and children. This edition includes the latest information on hematologic and associated diseases, including many new disease descriptions, recent genetic and immunologic findings, and the current World Health Organization classification of hematolymphoid disorders.

Dacie and Lewis Practical Haematology 11th Edition – Barbara J. Bain, Imelda Bates, Mike A Laffan, S. Mitchell Lewis

Descargar Libros Gratis Dacie and Lewis Practical Haematology 11th 2011 Recognized worldwide as the standard reference work, Dacie & Lewis Practical Haematology is a must have reference for any haematology laboratory. It covers all of the techniques used in the investigation of patients with blood disorders, including the latest technologies as well as the tried and true manual methods of measurement. It discusses the principles of each test, possible causes of error, the rationale for choosing one method over another and the interpretation, significance and clinical relevance of these findings. Each chapter conforms to a template, providing quick access to

Diagnóstico de la hemofilia y otros trastornos de la coagulación – Steve Kitchen, Angus McCraw, Marión Echenagucia

Descargar Libros Gratis Diagnóstico de la hemofilia y otros trastornos de la coagulación Este manual de la FMH es la guía definitiva para el diagnóstico preciso de la hemofilia y otros trastornos de la coagulación. Escrita y editada por expertos en pruebas de coagulación líderes en el mundo, esta edición integral y revisada incluye nuevas secciones sobre ensayos de coagulación en dos etapas y cromogénicos del FVIII, el ensayo de enlace al colágeno del factor von Willebrand y el análisis de multímeros, así como el uso de coagulómetros. Contenido: 1 Equipamiento de laboratorio 2 Verificación calibración de pipetas y balanzas

Anatomia Biologia Cardiologia Cirugia Enfermeria Farmacología Fisiología Ginecología Odontologia Oncología Otros Pediatría Psicología
Anatomía Humana 4ª Edición – Latarjet, Ruiz Liard (Tomo 1 y 2)
PhysioEx 9.0: Simulaciones de laboratorio de fisiología
Farmacología Básica y Clínica 11va Edición – Katzung Bertram G.