Blood Cells A Practical Guide 4th edition – Barbara J. Bain

Book Title: Blood Cells A Practical Guide
Book Description: Libro en inglés
Book Author: Barbara J. Bain
Book Edition: 4ª
Book Format: EBook
Date published: 2006
Illustrator: WileyBlackwell
ISBN: 9781405142656
Number Of Pages: 487
Libros de Medicina – Rincón Médico
Blood Cells A Practical Guide
Blood Cells has been written with both the practising haematologist and the trainee in mind. It aims to provide a guide for use in the diagnostic haematology laboratory, covering methods of collection of blood specimens, blood film preparation and staining, the principles of manual and automated blood counts and the assessment of the morphological features of blood cells. The practising haematologist should find this book sufficiently comprehensive to be a reference source while, at the same time, the trainee haematologist and biomedical
scientist should find it a straightforward and practical bench manual.
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